Monthly Archives: July 2009

A “place” in which you feel a special connection

The only place that I could think I have a special connection with is in our farm in panit-an. That’s the only place that I felt really, really loved by the people living there. It’s because they really spoil us.  They cook lots of food for us, they serve us like we’re Kings and Queens. They treat us like that because we seldom visit the farm, we seldom see them and if I count the times we’ve been there, it is just a couple of times.

One more reason why they treat us like that is that we’re  family. Families love each other, even though we just spent a few hours together. I don’t know when we are going to visit them again. I just hope Continue reading

kurt cobain of nirvana

he once said:

“be very careful if you make a woman cry

because God counts her tears.

every tear a woman shed is equivalent to

man’s sacrifices in life. the woman came

from a man’s rib, not on his feet to be

stepped on; not on his head to be superior;

but on his side to be equal. Under his arms

to be protected and near to his heart to be


please pass this to all the women you love

and to all the men for them to know the value of
